PAM Website Terms of Use
Terms of Use –
This website is provided by the Psychological Association of Manitoba conditional on your acceptance of the Terms of Use set out below. By accessing, reading and making use
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The Psychological Association of Manitoba may add to or remove, modify or otherwise change any part of the Terms or Use at any time. Changes will be effective when the
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The Psychological Association of Manitoba may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of this website at any time without notice. Without limiting the generality
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The Psychological Association of Manitoba maintains the copyright to all content provided in this website, except where indicated by other copyright or registered trademark
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Certain websites may be linked to this website. Not all of these links may have been permitted by the Psychological Association of Manitoba. Regardless of whether a link has
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Certain links on this website may take you to other websites. The Psychological Association of Manitoba provides these links only as a convenience. The Psychological Association
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In no circumstances shall the Psychological Association of Manitoba, its Board, officers or staff be responsible or liable for any loss or damages whatsoever, including (without
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