News and Announcements

January 9th 2025

Notice of Hearing

January 8th 2025

2025 AGM & Notice of Election

September 23rd 2021

Notice: False Facebook Account Impersonating Dr. Rebecca Broder
As the regulatory body for the practice of psychology, the Psychological Association of Manitoba is responsible for ensuring that the public can trust the profession of psychology and to feel assured that they can receive psychological services safely and competently. Recently, we learned of a Facebook page that espouses racist and anti-indigenous views that gives the appearance of being the Facebook page of a Registered Psychologist (Dr. Rebecca Broder). Dr. Broder has contacted us to state that this webpage was not created by her, that she unequivocally rejects the views stated in it, and that she has contacted the police. This Facebook page also does not accurately indicate her current office address. Dr. Broder has extensive experience providing psychological services to members of the indigenous community in Manitoba and she is a respected member of the psychology community. We are satisfied that this Facebook page was made by someone else who misrepresented themselves as Dr. Broder. We strongly denounce these racist views and acknowledge the harm they cause.

April 5th 2021

February 22, 2021 Dr. Richard Shore Surrender of Registration

The full Resolution and Order is available in the Disciplinary Findings section of the website.

April 27th 2019

Please click on the links below to access the 2019 AGM powerpoint presentations:

Friesen 2019 AGM Presentation

Rothman 2019 AGM Presentation

October 22nd 2017

To assist PAM Registrants in addressing concerns over Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Legislation and their responsibilities under that legislation, a Practice Advisory has been created and can be found here:

Medical Assistance in Dying Practice Advisory

Please contact the Registrar with any further questions or concerns you may have.